1788-L has gone a little more experimental and out there in his new single, N U / V E R / K A. In this track, 1788-L shows even more diversity as an artist and DJ.
The buildup lasts more than half the song with atmospheric and lush soundscapes. N U / V E R / K A is definitely a more chill track than what we're used to hearing. Also, the track is not as bassy and glitchy as everything else we've heard. While we still love everything coming from the project, this song is definitely a good and different change.
1788-L's debut EP, SENTIENCE, is set to come out next Friday. With a range like this, we're excited to hear everything 1788-L has in store for us next week.
Listen to N U / V E R / K A here:
Pre-save 1788-L's album here.