Some words just send chills down your spine, and now more than ever, "Parasite" is one of them. That state of unease is found in AWAY's new single of the same name, which features the haunting vocals of Roniit and production help from Crywolf. It's the type of track that oozes with raw emotion and will slowly infect the senses.
"Parasite" seemingly speaks to that feeling when you see someone who you know is going to be trouble. It's that internal monologue you have with yourself while you are being pulled in by this person. The glitched-out production paired with Roniit's sinister muted screams creates a soundscape that feels cinematic. Finally, when they switch up the beat midway through, it would seem as if we've lost our protagonist to the parasite in question, wrapping up the story as her voice fades into darkness.