Bassnectar is promoting mental health and giving back in a really huge way. Using proceeds from Bass Center XII, the producer is funding 1,000 month-long therapy sessions. The program is headed up by his own Be Interactive HQ and Better Help.
The Interactive Support & Guidance Project calls on fans to learn more about the program and sign up for a chance to win four therapy sessions. Anyone dealing with anxiety or depression, having relationship issues or feeling under pressure, or even if you’re happy and just looking for advice — this program is for you.
The website states: Be Interactive, a 501(c)3 nonprit organization, is inspiring the empathic to make an impact through radical kindness, respectful creativity, volunteering, and charity.
Mental health is critical, especially for those in the music industry. However, this program emphasizes that you don’t have to be in a crisis to seek therapy. It’s all about bettering yourself and developing skills to keep your mind healthy, and essentially, happy.