Billy McFarland Announces Fyre Festival 2.0, Tickets Start At $27.4 Million

In an interesting development, Fyre Media CEO, Billy McFarland has announced the follow up to his failed 2017 venture, Fyre Festival. It seems that McFarland is dead set creating an intimate experience as only a single ticket is available for purchase.

The ticket starts at $27.4 Million, which oddly enough – is the exact same amount McFarland settled with the FTC to pay back. We spoke to McFarland in an exclusive interview about his decision to create a new Fyre Festival experience. We will say that McFarland only spoke with us after we agreed to put $30 on his books for “a few soups to trade with, some slides and a few shots cfee”.

“It is the ultimate exclusive experience,” said McFarland. “That is what went wrong last time, we tried to do too much. So this time, we are only fering one ticket, that way we cannot get overwhelmed.”

When pressed on the location Fyre Festival 2.0, McFarland only stated that it would be somewhere with amply water. “Yeah, we are trying to avoid anyone having to suck d*ck this year. That was a doozy after those . My partner Ja Rule said that Flint, MI is always in the news having to do with something about water. So like, maybe we will have it there? Yeah, that sounds reall…”

It seems that McFarland had more to say on the subject but our call was cut short when his federal prison phone account ran out minutes. In a written in crayon, and simply signed “King New York”, it was explained that Fyre Festival 2.0 would feature performances by some interesting talent. Instead promising anyone specific, the release simply stated that anyone the ticket holder wants to play “will absolutely show up”. The press release then devolved into ad hominem acts against 50 Cent.

This is still a developing story, so stay tuned to EDM Sauce for more. Happy April 1, everyone.