Brilliant or Crazy? This Abandoned Mine Has Been Turned Into A Techno Club

Ravers are super imaginative when it comes to throwing ragers in cool spaces. Most recently, a former-coal mine in Germany’s industrial heartland was transformed into a techno club, and has proven to be the perfect host.

Telekom Electronic Beats and Baka Gaijin teamed up to throw a massive party at a decommissioned coal mine site in North-Rhine Westphalia, known as Essen’s Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex. This wasn’t too long after a similar get-together at Landschaftspark in nearby Duisburg.

With a number social spaces, museums, a swimming pool and jogging course, Essen’s Zollverein certainly has a lot character. Baka Gaijin’s Alexis Fallias further explains the appeal industrial sites like these.

“Both venues, in my opinion, don’t need big headliners because the venue is the headliner. After I picked Ryan Elliot up from the airport, when he saw the venue, he said it reminded him his hometown in Detroit.”

If you ever get an invite to a shindig like this — go. These pop up techno parties are a rare occurrence.

“I think you can throw a maximum three or four parties a year there,” says Fallias. “It’s a heritage site and they want to protect it.”


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