Always with a flair for the theatrical, the enigmatic Deadmau5 never has a shortage people wanting to cover his songs. Joel’s iconic track ‘Avaritia‘ was recently performed live by the Band the 1st Regiment Royal Australian Artillery. This small performance came at the Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall in Australia.
‘Avaritia‘ was released back in 2014 on his while(1<2) album. The word “avaritia” is Latin, and translates to “greed” in English, one the seven deadly sins.
Deadmau5 continues to put out hit after hit, even after so many years in the business. He recently gave birth to the musical child where’s the drop?, an album that fans have been anticipating for years. Not one to shy away from his true feelings on social media, ten times alienating and calling out the scene he is a part .
Checkout the full performance by the Royal Australian Artillery below, and keep an eye out for the elusive Deadmau5 for a live performance near you this summer.