Disclosure Are Sitting On "80-100 different ideas" For Their Upcoming Album

After the longest hiatus in the group's history, Disclosure returned this week with five incredible new singles. Celebrating the era barbershop quartets, and harmony-driven Mo-Town melodies, the brother's crafted some the most unique records we have heard in quite some time. It was a refreshing change for house music as the summer begins to come to a close.

In an interview with Annie Mac this weekend, Guy and Howard doubled down by sharing some info on their upcoming album. Turns out that while we have heard 5 new singles this past week – they have been hard at work on quite a bit more.

A full LP is in the works, and while a release date has not been specified, Disclosure is happy to announce that they are in the tracklisting phase the album. They are sitting on 80-100 song ideas that range from hooks to lyrics. Now the real work begins. Narrowing it down to one cohesive vision.

“We seem to be back right now. It’s definitely been a while. 100 percent an album is being made – that’s for sure. Whether or not these songs make it on the album] is yet to be seen. We’ve been writing a lot. We reckon we’ve put together about 80 to 100 different ideas over the past year, but we have no idea which them, if any, will actually be on the album. It’s a serious track listing job to come now. Now we’re going to start moving onto the next step and start working with some vocalists.”