Facebook and Instagram are cracking down on the use eggplant and peach emojis — as well as nude photos in which emojis cover “genitalia, butts or female nipples.”
Moving forward, pairing an eggplant or peach emoji with any expression ual nature may get you banned. Also, photos with emojis covering private areas may be taken down.
“Content] will only be removed from Facebook and Instagram if it contains a ual emoji alongside an implicit or indirect ask for nude imagery, or ual partners, or chat conversations,” Instagram revealed to the New York Post.
If you’re outraged about this, you’re not alone. It sounds silly, but taking away our eggplants and peaches is a form censorship. On the flip side, this is meant to protect social media users, especially young ones. What do you think?
See the updated Facebook Community Standards, which also includes Instagram.
Source: NY Post