After expanding his debut festival Second Sky to two days, Porter Robinson was left with an open slot on Sunday as G Jones couldn’t make it both days. The slot remained designated for a Special Guest until this weekend, when Skrillex came out to give his all for the Oakland crowd.
Fans everywhere have been clamoring for the full set — if anyone had recorded it — and finally, YouTube user Myshonok has come through! She wrote in the caption:
unedited for all the shakycam and me freaking out and saying “oh my god no way oh my god” bc I don’t have a computer right now and the public demands this video be uploaded asap. I think it’s missing a bit f the end but it’s pretty much the entire set!
No full tracklist is available for the Skrillex surprise set yet, but you can bet that there are still tons IDs hidden in this hour-long masterpiece. Check out the video below (before it gets taken down)!
Photo Rukes.com