With only hours’ notice yesterday, Gesaffelstein announced and dropped a new EP called NOVO SONIC SYSTEM. Yesterday, I surmised, based just on the titles the tracks alone, that the EP would be a return to Gesa’s harder techno style compared to some the pop productions on his last album, Hyperion. Turns out, I was right — but little did I know how right I would be.
NSS is like techno on Adderall. It’s fast, unapologetic, in your face, chaotic, and ten times a bit jittery. Opening track “ORCK” feels like it would be at home in ’80s classic The Breakfast Club, if it were set within a German techno club instead a school library.
Even the lengths the tracks reflect a sort hyperactive attention span, with all but two lasting less than 3 minutes, and one those two only just longer. For techno tracks, it’s highly unusual, but this seems to be more a taster or live cut purge than anything else.
Regardless, this is sure to appease some the more “die hard” Gesaffelstein fans who found themselves disappointed by Hyperion. Check out the new EP below!
Photo courtesy Coachella