Jason Ross Drops Full '1000 Faces' Remix Package

For this New Music Friday, Jason Ross has released the second part his 1000 Faces remix package, completing the full album. It features new renditions his tracks from and

Released in April, the first part the package features } }, // Articles - recommendations in emotes and comments widget recommendationsWides: false, globalRecommendations: false, // Colors darkMode: false, // By Widget theme: {color: "108ee9"}, comments: { hideRecommendedArticles: false, hideCommentInputBox: false, enabled: true, commentingClosed: false, maxChars: '3000', countToLoad: '5', toxicityLimit: '80', spamLimit: '90', sorting: 'latest', }, emotes: { enabled: true, hideRecommendedArticles: false, size: '70', // icons size firstImg: '', firstName: 'happy', secondImg: '', secondName: 'wtf', thirdImg: '', thirdName: 'amused', fourthImg: '', fourthName: 'LMAO', fifthImg: '', fifthName:'angry', sixthImg: '', sixthName: 'sad', disable: ], }, powerbar: { enabled: true, defaultEmote: 1, items: 'facebook', 'twitter', 'whatsapp', 'linkedin', 'reddit', 'messenger', 'telegram', 'pinterest', 'flipboard', 'email', ], customUrls: { twitter: `http://twitter.com/share?text=Jason Ross Drops Full ‘1000 Faces' Remix Package&url=https://www.edmsauce.com/2020/05/08/jason-ross-1000-faces-remixes/&=edmsauce`, }, }, }; (function () { s.async = true; s.src = 'https://cdn.vuukle.com/platform.js'; (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })();