Manchester venue and social space The Carlton Club has launched a petition and fundraiser in an effort to fight the threat of eviction from its landlord of more than a century.
Bowling Club Building Company Ltd, the company that owns the Whalley Range space with Carlton Social since 1913, issued Carlton Social and Bowling Club CIC (The Carlton Club) with an eviction notice with the reasoning that they want to use Rowan Lodge to run their own business, according to The Carlton Club's Change.org petition. The historic club is fighting back to protect its 111-year history at the location and its future by legally challenging the eviction and ensuring its operation for at least one more year, the GoFundMe campaign description states.
"For 111 years, Rowan Lodge has been the home of the Carlton Club and has been a cornerstone of Whalley Range community life, providing a safe and welcoming environment for members to gather, to listen to music, dance, engage in social activities, and foster lifelong friendships", The Carlton Club team wrote on the petition. "The proposed eviction threatens not only the physical space we cherish but also the community spirit and connections that define our club."
The Carlton Club is appealing the eviction on the basis of its "historical, cultural and environmental significance", "its vital role in creating an inclusive and sustainable green future for Whalley Range" and out of consideration for its community impact. In addition to putting on musical performances, events and record fairs supporting a range of genres, the social club hosts often free multi-generational clubs, workshops, events, fitness activities, educational classes and more, including, yoga, bingo, rummage sales, poetry readings, gardening and film screenings.
Support and find more information about The Carlton Club's campaign via their Change.org petition and GoFundMe campaign, as well as through their Instagram slideshow below.
Last month, Manchester DIY venue Partisan Collective shut down.