They say success isn't about luck, connections or even money. It's the discipline to outwork everyone around you—a tenet which Ray Volpe has long been tethered to.
The byproduct is Legend of the Volpetron, his new EP, out now by way of Disciple. The inventive record effectively pours gasoline on the broiling career of Volpe, who was named to EDM.com's Class of 2022 earlier this year. It's a dazzling showcase of his generational production talents, which extend far beyond the confines of his breakout hit, "Laserbeam."
"It sounds cheesy, but it means everything to me!" It's a moment in time that I’ll look back on years from now," Volpe tells EDM.com of his new EP. "I really wanted to mash everything I loved about music into one body of work."
Legend of the Volpetron is a microcosm not only of Volpe's tireless grind, but also his resilience. If there's anyone who exemplifies the "hard work pays off" mantra, it's Volpe, who says he experienced an identity crisis in the throes of his struggles to find success navigating the tortuous world of EDM.
"Admittedly it’s been a long road—2019 was a low point for my career and soon after my mental health as well," Volpe recalls. "I felt like everyone was against this project and that I wouldn’t ever be successful under 'Ray Volpe.' That hurt a lot. Especially because this isn’t just some alias—this is my real name. This is who I am to my core. I couldn’t help but feel hopeless at some points."