REPORT: $645,000 Worth of Cocaine Discovered Hidden In Children's Books

Drug traffickers get quite creative when moving drugs, but this one was a total bust…

A whopping $645,000 worth cocaine was reportedly found hidden inside children’s books imported from Sydney from Portugal. According to Australian Border Force ficers, they found 1.72kg cocaine cocaine during a routine X-ray. The shipments were expected to arrive on May 1 and May 4.

An undisclosed Vaucluse resident, age 31, was arrested in connection with the illegal activity. The massive drug bust prompted a search a home. Potentially incriminating items including electronic sources, documents and a small amount cannabis were seized in the process.

The man is scheduled to appear in Central Local Court on Tuesday for importing “a commercial quantity a border-controlled drug.” In addition, he’s been issued with two cannabis citations.


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald