Several British Festivals Offering Emergency Contraception Services This Year

What is it with the British music festivals? They’re getting more and more progressive, including fering on-site drug testing. The latest innovation? Emergency contraception services.

British music festivals BestivalRiZE Festival and Leeds will fer emergency contraception services to attendees this year. The Medicine Man, a traveling pharmacy, will service attendees with a range services. the pharmacy will provide advice and contraceptives, notably the morning-after pill. The morning after-pill in particular will be available without a prescription.

Bestival, RiZE and Leeds all take place in the UK this summer. MIA, Mura Masa, Bicep, Rudimental and more will play Besitval, James Bay, Disciples and more will play RiZE and Fall Out Boy, Kendrick Lamar, Diplo and more will play Leeds. In case you have some risky encounters at any those festivals, swing by The Medicine Man to stay protected.



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