Though not everyone qualifies for a clinical diagnosis obsessive compulsive disorder, for the general population, there’s still a fair amount little, almost inconsequential things that absolutely drive us up the wall. Whether it’s a misplaced seasoning jar in a drawer, an out place item on your desk, or what have you, we all have little neuroses. Unfortunately for you all, I’m about to reveal another one.
While it’s not traditionally newsworthy, the Spotify pause button is exactly one pixel away from being centered… let that one marinate for a bit.
the pause button on Spotify is exactly one pixel away from being centered… pic.twitter.com/5aZmKouEgF
— Your EDM (@YourEDM) November 4, 2019
It’s barely, barely noticeable, especially on larger monitors or screens — but there it is. For the general population, this will remain inconsequential. For the select few who can make out the difference in the Spotify pause button, I fer my sincerest apologies on this dark day.
The issue is probably so small (pun intended) that Spotify won’t do anything about it, even if it is so small that it wouldn’t take much effort in the first place. Unless someone wanted to create a petition or something…