and Winnie Harlow had time to stoke the rumors today. The alleged couple has been seen hanging around each other, sparking speculations from the public about their relationship. Seems like they're making a statement today with Wiz Khalifa's latest Instagram post. The photo he shared features the pair cozied up closer than we had previously seen them. Harlow is sitting on the rapper's lap, glancing over her shade. Wiz has one arm tightly wrapped around the model's waist. They generally look unbothered, a sentiment echoed in the post's caption:
Seems like this is as much a confirmation as fans will get for the time being. They had, however, received quite a few hints up until now. A picture from the same event was posted by a couple days ago. Both Winnie Harlow and Wiz Khalifa are wearing the same outfits as seen in their latest. Their stance, however, was more playful in the affection shown.
include Winnie wearing the same "CAM" necklace as Wiz and 's comments about the new friendship, saying that she welcomes Winnie into the family. If we add it all up, Wiz and Winnie are pretty much ficial.