Your EDM Premiere: LIL TEXAS Hits At 200 BPM with "Whip That Neck"

Hold on to your cowboy hats kids, because LIL TEXAS is taking it up a few notches!

His new single “Whip That Neck” punches in at 200 BPM and it demands every ounce energy you have inside. 200 BPM might sound like a lot to handle, but this is in fact the resting speed for LIL TEXAS. The producer lassos in his spastic soundscape for an adrenaline-fueled rave anthem refined chaos.

Complexities and skillful layering make up much the track, but never distract from the overall product. From classic dance synths down to the finely tuned stutters, LIL TEXAS’ attention to detail is impressive. Arousing drum patterns (otherwise referred to as “big ol fuck drums”) build up the hype to much success, but only alarms and screamo style vocals can prepare you for what’s next.

The drop. Hard and bouncy by nature, LIL TEXAS cranks his distorted kicks to the max and goes f. This is where you can really feel that 200 BPM pumping through your veins. The overall theme becomes apparent — one must “Whip That Neck” in order to break it.

LIL TEXAS is a true champion his artistry and “Whip That Neck” is an exemplary demonstration his cult-like texcore sound. So, sit back — fuck that — get up and go crazy! We’ve heard 200 BPM is good for the mind, body and soul.

Listen and link up with LIL TEXAS below! If you’re craving more, check out his SUMMER HARDCORE 2019 MIX.

LIL TEXAS – “Whip That Neck”

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