As Russia's invasion of Ukraine rages on, many have been helping and donating. The music industry has been quite active, with initiatives such as an open-source Google Sheet of Ukrainian artists and music labels and a fundraising rave in the U.K. on March 11th.
In an effort to support ongoing humanitarian efforts, Ukrainian talent bookers Rhys Bainham and Vlad Yaremchuk have called on their colleagues and friends to form a compilation album, Together with Ukraine.
Spanning a whopping 136 tracks, the record has been supported by leading drum & bass labels Hospital Records, RAM Records, Critical Music, Metalheadz, Shogun Audio and more, and features a vast selection of unreleased music from the likes of Noisia & Phace, S.P.Y, Modestep and IMANU, among others. Additionally, Together with Ukraine features contributions from multiple European visual artists, who collaborated on the album cover with art direction by Uno.