Good Faith Project: Madeon Calls On Fans For Remixes, Music & Art

Madeon recently launched his Good Faith Era along with a new single “All My Friends” — and now he’s calling on fans to help him with the project.

The producer will be going through submissions in a number categories over the next few days, in hopes exposing other talented individuals. Creators music and art will have a chance to capture the attention Madeon through a few different mediums.

“I’m working on something special I’d like you to be involved with,” Madeon shares on his ficial website. “You can contribute in a few different ways.”

Madeon is seeking remixes, fan art, special songs and other music projects to associate with his Good Faith Era. He’s also open to questions — so if there’s ever been anything you want to ask Madeon himself — now is the time to shoot him an email.

See more details on all the categories below.

Madeon – Good Faith Project

Did you make a remix All My Friends after I released the acapella? I want to hear it!
Send it to me (soundcloud link with downloads enabled): email protected]

Did you make visual art inspired by the Good Faith era? I’m especially interested in seeing new takes on the “All My Friends” single artwork: email protected]

Do you have a song (not one mine!) you really love and have a special story with?
Something you really cherish. Could be any genre, well-known or not.
Please accompany it with either a short voice memo talking about what it means to you (maybe the time when you first heard it, or why it’s so special to you) or a written short paragraph.
Send to: email protected]

Are you a musician? Send me one song.
The one you’re most proud , something you wish the world would hear.

Send to: email protected]

Do you have a question for me? Ask away!
Send to: email protected]

