NEW STUDY: MDMA Use Linked To Heart Disease

A new study suggests that the use ecstasy and other similar drugs may increase the risk  valvular heart disease.

The researchers conducted a meta-analysis and discovered an association between serotonergic activity and cardiac valvular pathology. The findings, outlined in Heart, suggested that 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine, aka MDMA aka ecstasy or “molly,” could potentially increase the odds  valvular heart disease. In addition, any medications which increased serotonin and/or dopamine levels posed similar negative replications.

Jacqueline H. Fortier, MSc, and colleagues at University Ottawa Heart Institute in Canada concluded: “The link between certain medications and valvular pathologies has been well established in the literature. Evidence from the basic and translational sciences has indicated that these medications may exert their effect through serotonergic pathways.”

“There was a consistent, significant relationship between certain medications and heart valve disease, including serotonergic medications and dopaminergic medications.”

Read the full study Health here.


H/T: Healio