Donald Trump Signs Game-Changing ‘Music Modernization Act’ Into Law

The Music Modernization Act (MMA) is ficially regulation. Last month, the invoice extensively backed by musicians, songwriters, producers and labels via the US Senate by unanimous vote. Today, President Donald Trump signed the MMA into regulation. The MMA edits Section 115 the U.S. Copyright Act, bringing music regulation up to the mark …

Music Modernization Act Passes with Unanimous Vote, Here's What It Means

The Music Modernization Act (MMA), S.2334 ficially handed in a unanimous vote by the US Senate on Tuesday (Sept. 18). The general purpose the act has been made clear — to change outdated music copyright legal guidelines and convey the music business into the present streaming age. The MMA act goals …

Conor McGregor Reaches Plea Deal, Won't Be Deported For Assault Charges

has learned that Conor McGregor is on the verge getting the closure he so desires, in the form a plea deal in U.S. As you might recall, McGregor was charged with a felony criminal mischief charge for his attack on a bus ahead UFC 223, a fight card he wasn’t even …