The entire Virtual Self project is nothing if not a meticulously planned out world into which fans can completely immerse themselves. With each new teaser or puzzle piece revealed by Porter Robinson, the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper, and this new hole is especially deep.
With a new website and video (below), the puzzle begins.
The website has a (seemingly) endless string URL prefixes that reload the page with a set repeating prompts after you’ve clicked enough times on the page. Examples corresponding prefixes and prompts include:
- 5739343422888838384324: ??????? ?? ??????????????? ~??????????? ???????~
- beginning: ? ???’? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? …
- angelic-echo: ?????????? ?? ????.
- eternal: ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? …
- utopia: ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????
- digital-void: ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???????. ??? ?????? ???? ?? ????????????? | ???? ????? ?? ???????.
Some prompts will also include text input areas. According to reddit users, entering “ANGEL” in each prompt will eventually take you to a page with login info for the virtualself.life forum.
As u/TSM_Andrew writes, “On it you can find an interesting conversation between technic_angel and Pathselector where they discuss the remix and share audio snippets the project.
The remix he refers to is a Technic Angel remix “Ghost Voices” coming out July 20.
So, get ready for new Virtual Self… erm, Technic Angel, music tomorrow!