Squarepusher is back with a new album, 'Dostrotime', on Warp Records. Watch the visual for lead single 'Wendorlan' below.
The 12-track album, due out on 1st March, will be UK artist Tom Jenkinson's first LP since 2020's 'Be Up A Hello', which featured the 'Terminal Slam' single. Not much more has been revealed about the album, but judging from its first single, 'Dostrotime' should continue the analogue hardware-forward, hard-hitting acid sound of his previous album.
Months after releasing 'Be Up A Hello', Squarepusher released the four-track 'Lamental' EP, also on Warp.
In 2020, Joe Roberts caught up with Squarepusher to talk about his hardware setup, rave memories, kids' TV theme songs and more.
Check out the album on Bandcamp, and watch the visual for 'Wendorlan' by Vic Acid.